1 /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
2  * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
3  * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
5 /*
6  * Native allocator.
7  *
8  * Copyright: Eugene Wissner 2016-2020.
9  * License: $(LINK2 https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/MPL/2.0/,
10  *                  Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0).
11  * Authors: $(LINK2 mailto:info@caraus.de, Eugene Wissner)
12  * Source: $(LINK2 https://github.com/caraus-ecms/tanya/blob/master/middle/tanya/memory/mmappool.d,
13  *                 tanya/memory/mmappool.d)
14  */
15 module tanya.memory.mmappool;
17 import core.sys.linux.sys.mman;
18 import tanya.memory.allocator;
19 import tanya.memory.op;
20 import tanya.os.error;
22 extern(C) pragma(mangle, "mmap")
23 private void* mapMemory(void *addr, size_t length, int prot, int flags, int fd, off_t offset)
24 @nogc nothrow pure @system;
26 extern(C) pragma(mangle, "munmap")
27 private bool unmapMemory(shared void* addr, size_t length)
28 @nogc nothrow pure @system;
30 /*
31  * This allocator allocates memory in regions (multiple of 64 KB for example).
32  * Each region is then splitted in blocks. So it doesn't request the memory
33  * from the operating system on each call, but only if there are no large
34  * enough free blocks in the available regions.
35  * Deallocation works in the same way. Deallocation doesn't immediately
36  * gives the memory back to the operating system, but marks the appropriate
37  * block as free and only if all blocks in the region are free, the complete
38  * region is deallocated.
39  *
40  * <pre>
41  * ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
42  * |      |     |         |     |            ||      |     |                  |
43  * |      |prev <-----------    |            ||      |     |                  |
44  * |  R   |  B  |         |  B  |            ||   R  |  B  |                  |
45  * |  E   |  L  |         |  L  |           next  E  |  L  |                  |
46  * |  G   |  O  |  DATA   |  O  |   FREE    --->  G  |  O  |       DATA       |
47  * |  I   |  C  |         |  C  |           <---  I  |  C  |                  |
48  * |  O   |  K  |         |  K  |           prev  O  |  K  |                  |
49  * |  N   |    -----------> next|            ||   N  |     |                  |
50  * |      |     |         |     |            ||      |     |                  |
51  * ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
52  * </pre>
53  */
54 final class MmapPool : Allocator
55 {
56     version (none)
57     {
58         @nogc nothrow pure @system invariant
59         {
60             for (auto r = &head; *r !is null; r = &((*r).next))
61             {
62                 auto block = cast(Block) (cast(void*) *r + RegionEntry.sizeof);
63                 do
64                 {
65                     assert(block.prev is null || block.prev.next is block);
66                     assert(block.next is null || block.next.prev is block);
67                     assert(block.region is *r);
68                 }
69                 while ((block = block.next) !is null);
70             }
71         }
72     }
74     /*
75      * Allocates $(D_PARAM size) bytes of memory.
76      *
77      * Params:
78      *  size = Amount of memory to allocate.
79      *
80      * Returns: Pointer to the new allocated memory.
81      */
82     void[] allocate(size_t size) @nogc nothrow pure shared @system
83     {
84         if (size == 0)
85         {
86             return null;
87         }
88         const dataSize = addAlignment(size);
89         if (dataSize < size)
90         {
91             return null;
92         }
94         void* data = findBlock(dataSize);
95         if (data is null)
96         {
97             data = initializeRegion(dataSize);
98         }
100         return data is null ? null : data[0 .. size];
101     }
103     /*
104      * Search for a block large enough to keep $(D_PARAM size) and split it
105      * into two blocks if the block is too large.
106      *
107      * Params:
108      *  size = Minimum size the block should have (aligned).
109      *
110      * Returns: Data the block points to or $(D_KEYWORD null).
111      */
112     private void* findBlock(const ref size_t size)
113     @nogc nothrow pure shared @system
114     {
115         Block block1;
116         RegionLoop: for (auto r = head; r !is null; r = r.next)
117         {
118             block1 = cast(Block) (cast(void*) r + RegionEntry.sizeof);
119             do
120             {
121                 if (block1.free && block1.size >= size)
122                 {
123                     break RegionLoop;
124                 }
125             }
126             while ((block1 = block1.next) !is null);
127         }
128         if (block1 is null)
129         {
130             return null;
131         }
132         else if (block1.size >= size + alignment_ + BlockEntry.sizeof)
133         { // Split the block if needed
134             Block block2 = cast(Block) (cast(void*) block1 + BlockEntry.sizeof + size);
135             block2.prev = block1;
136             block2.next = block1.next;
137             block2.free = true;
138             block2.size = block1.size - BlockEntry.sizeof - size;
139             block2.region = block1.region;
141             if (block1.next !is null)
142             {
143                 block1.next.prev = block2;
144             }
145             block1.next = block2;
146             block1.size = size;
147         }
148         block1.free = false;
149         block1.region.blocks = block1.region.blocks + 1;
151         return cast(void*) block1 + BlockEntry.sizeof;
152     }
154     // Merge block with the next one.
155     private void mergeNext(Block block) const @nogc nothrow pure @safe shared
156     {
157         block.size = block.size + BlockEntry.sizeof + block.next.size;
158         if (block.next.next !is null)
159         {
160             block.next.next.prev = block;
161         }
162         block.next = block.next.next;
163     }
165     /*
166      * Deallocates a memory block.
167      *
168      * Params:
169      *  p = A pointer to the memory block to be freed.
170      *
171      * Returns: Whether the deallocation was successful.
172      */
173     bool deallocate(void[] p) @nogc nothrow pure shared @system
174     {
175         if (p.ptr is null)
176         {
177             return true;
178         }
180         Block block = cast(Block) (p.ptr - BlockEntry.sizeof);
181         if (block.region.blocks <= 1)
182         {
183             if (block.region.prev !is null)
184             {
185                 block.region.prev.next = block.region.next;
186             }
187             else // Replace the list head. It is being deallocated
188             {
189                 head = block.region.next;
190             }
191             if (block.region.next !is null)
192             {
193                 block.region.next.prev = block.region.prev;
194             }
195             return unmapMemory(block.region, block.region.size) == 0;
196         }
197         // Merge blocks if neigbours are free.
198         if (block.next !is null && block.next.free)
199         {
200             mergeNext(block);
201         }
202         if (block.prev !is null && block.prev.free)
203         {
204             block.prev.size = block.prev.size + BlockEntry.sizeof + block.size;
205             if (block.next !is null)
206             {
207                 block.next.prev = block.prev;
208             }
209             block.prev.next = block.next;
210         }
211         else
212         {
213             block.free = true;
214         }
215         block.region.blocks = block.region.blocks - 1;
216         return true;
217     }
219     /*
220      * Reallocates a memory block in place if possible or returns
221      * $(D_KEYWORD false). This function cannot be used to allocate or
222      * deallocate memory, so if $(D_PARAM p) is $(D_KEYWORD null) or
223      * $(D_PARAM size) is `0`, it should return $(D_KEYWORD false).
224      *
225      * Params:
226      *  p    = A pointer to the memory block.
227      *  size = Size of the reallocated block.
228      *
229      * Returns: $(D_KEYWORD true) if successful, $(D_KEYWORD false) otherwise.
230      */
231     bool reallocateInPlace(ref void[] p, size_t size)
232     @nogc nothrow pure shared @system
233     {
234         if (p is null || size == 0)
235         {
236             return false;
237         }
238         if (size <= p.length)
239         {
240             // Leave the block as is.
241             p = p.ptr[0 .. size];
242             return true;
243         }
244         Block block1 = cast(Block) (p.ptr - BlockEntry.sizeof);
246         if (block1.size >= size)
247         {
248             // Enough space in the current block.
249             p = p.ptr[0 .. size];
250             return true;
251         }
252         const dataSize = addAlignment(size);
253         const pAlignment = addAlignment(p.length);
254         assert(pAlignment >= p.length, "Invalid memory chunk length");
255         const delta = dataSize - pAlignment;
257         if (block1.next is null
258          || !block1.next.free
259          || dataSize < size
260          || block1.next.size + BlockEntry.sizeof < delta)
261         {
262             /* - It is the last block in the region
263              * - The next block isn't free
264              * - The next block is too small
265              * - Requested size is too large
266              */
267             return false;
268         }
269         if (block1.next.size >= delta + alignment_)
270         {
271             // Move size from block2 to block1.
272             block1.next.size = block1.next.size - delta;
273             block1.size = block1.size + delta;
275             auto block2 = cast(Block) (p.ptr + dataSize);
276             if (block1.next.next !is null)
277             {
278                 block1.next.next.prev = block2;
279             }
280             copyBackward((cast(void*) block1.next)[0 .. BlockEntry.sizeof],
281                          (cast(void*) block2)[0 .. BlockEntry.sizeof]);
282             block1.next = block2;
283         }
284         else
285         {
286             // The next block has enough space, but is too small for further
287             // allocations. Merge it with the current block.
288             mergeNext(block1);
289         }
291         p = p.ptr[0 .. size];
292         return true;
293     }
295     /*
296      * Increases or decreases the size of a memory block.
297      *
298      * Params:
299      *  p    = A pointer to the memory block.
300      *  size = Size of the reallocated block.
301      *
302      * Returns: Whether the reallocation was successful.
303      */
304     bool reallocate(ref void[] p, size_t size)
305     @nogc nothrow pure shared @system
306     {
307         if (size == 0)
308         {
309             if (deallocate(p))
310             {
311                 p = null;
312                 return true;
313             }
314             return false;
315         }
316         else if (reallocateInPlace(p, size))
317         {
318             return true;
319         }
320         // Can't reallocate in place, allocate a new block,
321         // copy and delete the previous one.
322         void[] reallocP = allocate(size);
323         if (reallocP is null)
324         {
325             return false;
326         }
327         if (p !is null)
328         {
329             copy(p[0 .. p.length < size ? p.length : size], reallocP);
330             deallocate(p);
331         }
332         p = reallocP;
334         return true;
335     }
337     static private shared(MmapPool) instantiate() @nogc nothrow @system
338     {
339         if (instance_ is null)
340         {
341             const instanceSize = addAlignment(__traits(classInstanceSize,
342                                               MmapPool));
344             Region head; // Will become soon our region list head
345             void* data = initializeRegion(instanceSize, head);
346             if (data !is null)
347             {
348                 copy(typeid(MmapPool).initializer, data[0 .. instanceSize]);
349                 instance_ = cast(shared MmapPool) data;
350                 instance_.head = head;
351             }
352         }
353         return instance_;
354     }
356     /*
357      * Static allocator instance and initializer.
358      *
359      * Returns: Global $(D_PSYMBOL MmapPool) instance.
360      */
361     static @property shared(MmapPool) instance() @nogc nothrow pure @system
362     {
363         return (cast(GetPureInstance!MmapPool) &instantiate)();
364     }
366     /*
367      * Initializes a region for one element.
368      *
369      * Params:
370      *  size = Aligned size of the first data block in the region.
371      *  head = Region list head.
372      *
373      * Returns: A pointer to the data.
374      */
375     private static void* initializeRegion(const size_t size, ref Region head)
376     @nogc nothrow pure @system
377     {
378         const regionSize = calculateRegionSize(size);
379         if (regionSize < size)
380         {
381             return null;
382         }
383         void* p = mapMemory(null,
384                 regionSize,
385                 PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE,
386                 MAP_PRIVATE | MAP_ANONYMOUS,
387                 -1,
388                 0);
389         if (cast(ptrdiff_t) p == -1)
390         {
391             return null;
392         }
394         Region region = cast(Region) p;
395         region.blocks = 1;
396         region.size = regionSize;
398         // Set the pointer to the head of the region list
399         if (head !is null)
400         {
401             head.prev = region;
402         }
403         region.next = head;
404         region.prev = null;
405         head = region;
407         // Initialize the data block
408         void* memoryPointer = p + RegionEntry.sizeof;
409         Block block1 = cast(Block) memoryPointer;
410         block1.size = size;
411         block1.free = false;
413         // It is what we want to return
414         void* data = memoryPointer + BlockEntry.sizeof;
416         // Free block after data
417         memoryPointer = data + size;
418         Block block2 = cast(Block) memoryPointer;
419         block1.prev = block2.next = null;
420         block1.next = block2;
421         block2.prev = block1;
422         block2.size = regionSize - size - RegionEntry.sizeof - BlockEntry.sizeof * 2;
423         block2.free = true;
424         block1.region = block2.region = region;
426         return data;
427     }
429     private void* initializeRegion(const size_t size)
430     @nogc nothrow pure shared @system
431     {
432         return initializeRegion(size, this.head);
433     }
435     /*
436      * Params:
437      *  x = Space to be aligned.
438      *
439      * Returns: Aligned size of $(D_PARAM x).
440      */
441     private static size_t addAlignment(const size_t x) @nogc nothrow pure @safe
442     {
443         return (x - 1) / alignment_ * alignment_ + alignment_;
444     }
446     /*
447      * Params:
448      *  x = Required space.
449      *
450      * Returns: Minimum region size (a multiple of $(D_PSYMBOL pageSize)).
451      */
452     private static size_t calculateRegionSize(ref const size_t x)
453     @nogc nothrow pure @safe
454     {
455         return (x + RegionEntry.sizeof + BlockEntry.sizeof * 2)
456              / pageSize * pageSize + pageSize;
457     }
459     /*
460      * Returns: Alignment offered.
461      */
462     @property uint alignment() const @nogc nothrow pure @safe shared
463     {
464         return alignment_;
465     }
467     private enum uint alignment_ = 8;
469     private shared static MmapPool instance_;
471     // Page size.
472     enum size_t pageSize = 65536;
474     private shared struct RegionEntry
475     {
476         Region prev;
477         Region next;
478         uint blocks;
479         size_t size;
480     }
481     private alias Region = shared RegionEntry*;
482     private shared Region head;
484     private shared struct BlockEntry
485     {
486         Block prev;
487         Block next;
488         Region region;
489         size_t size;
490         bool free;
491     }
492     private alias Block = shared BlockEntry*;
493 }
495 @nogc nothrow pure @system unittest
496 {
497     // allocate() check.
498     size_t tooMuchMemory = size_t.max
499         - MmapPool.alignment_
500         - MmapPool.BlockEntry.sizeof * 2
501         - MmapPool.RegionEntry.sizeof
502         - MmapPool.pageSize;
503     assert(MmapPool.instance.allocate(tooMuchMemory) is null);
505     assert(MmapPool.instance.allocate(size_t.max) is null);
507     // initializeRegion() check.
508     tooMuchMemory = size_t.max - MmapPool.alignment_;
509     assert(MmapPool.instance.allocate(tooMuchMemory) is null);
510 }