Socket returned if a connection has been established.
Socket returned if a connection has been established.
Windows stream socket overlapped I/O.
Class for creating a network communication endpoint using the Berkeley sockets interfaces of different types.
$(D_PSYMBOL SocketException) should be thrown only if one of the socket functions $(D_PSYMBOL socketError) and sets $(D_PSYMBOL errno), because $(D_PSYMBOL SocketException) relies on the $(D_PSYMBOL errno) value.
Checks if the last error is a serious error or just a special behaviour error of non-blocking sockets (for example an error returned because the socket would block or because the asynchronous operation was successfully started but not finished yet).
Interface with common fileds for stream and connected sockets.
Socket option that specifies what should happen when the socket that promises reliable delivery still has untransmitted messages when it is closed.
Value returned by socket operations on error.
Eugene Wissner 2016-2020.
Low-level socket programming.
Current API supports only server-side TCP communication.
For an example of an asynchronous server refer to the documentation of the $(D_PSYMBOL tanya.async.loop) module.